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  1. 1. 北京空间机电研究所
    2. 南京航空航天大学
  • 收稿日期:2024-03-11 修回日期:2024-07-22 出版日期:2024-07-24 发布日期:2024-07-24
  • 通讯作者: 余莉
  • 基金资助:

Numerical study on the transonic and supersonic aerodynamic characteristics and fluid-structure interaction mechanism of the flexible parachutes for planetary exploration

  • Received:2024-03-11 Revised:2024-07-22 Online:2024-07-24 Published:2024-07-24
  • Contact: Li YU

摘要: 我国针对金星、木星等行星的星际探测新征程已经开启,且正在论证之中。然而,这些行星均具有稠密的大气和更高的大气压力,这与地球、火星的大气环境有较大区别。在以往成功的行星探测中发现,此类复杂的行星大气环境中的气动减速过程需要多级降落伞来完成,且需在跨/超声速条件下开伞和工作,同时第一级引导伞的名义直径会明显小于主伞,也小于前体直径,至今不同尺寸的两级伞与前体之间的流固耦合机理及其气动特性至今尚不明确,同时相关研究报道亦极少。本研究基于稠密大气行星探测任务中适用的锥形带条伞和盘缝带伞,采用浸入边界方法研究不同行星大气环境中柔性降落伞工作过程的流固耦合机理,深入考察不同来流马赫数、伞型、大气成分及参数与直径比影响下的流固耦合特性。研究结果发现:土卫六大气环境中,盘缝带伞(直径比0.3)在跨声速时进行稳降,随着时间变化,伞衣的投影面积逐渐增大。阻力系数在马赫数1.5时达到最大,但其波动变化随着马赫数的增大而单调增大。另外,在马赫数为0.95时,直径比0和1.0时伞衣均出现了极为剧烈的摆动现象。相比之下,木星大气环境中,跨声速条件下锥形带条伞伞衣随着时间推进,投影面积变化越来越小。阻力系数及其波动会随着马赫数增大而单调增大,横向力系数及其波动程度是在1.5马赫数时出现最大。最后比较土卫六、金星和木星大气环境中的降落伞气动表现,发现木星大气环境中锥形带条伞性能最佳,阻力系数较大,且稳定性较好。

关键词: 深空探测, 跨/超声速降落伞系统, 气动特性, 流固耦合机理, 气动减速技术

Abstract: At present, the further missions of China's planetary exploration projects to Venus, Jupiter has also begun, and their key technical researches have been carried out. However, these planets all have dense atmospheres and higher atmospheric pressures, which are significantly different from the atmospheric environments of Earth and Mars. In successful planetary explorations in the past, it has been found that the aerodynamic deceleration process in such complex planetary atmospheric environments requires multi-stage parachutes to complete and parachute opening and operation under transonic/supersonic conditions. It should be noted that the nominal diameter of the first stage guide parachute is significantly smaller than the main parachute and smaller than the forebody diameter. The fluid structure interaction mechanism and aerodynamic characteristics between two-stage parachutes of different sizes and the forebody are still unclear, till now, there are very few related research reports. In this study, based on conical ribbon parachutes and disk-band-gap parachutes suitable for dense atmospheric planetary exploration missions, the fluid structure interaction mechanism of flexible parachutes in different planetary atmospheric environments is numerically studied using the immersion boundary method, and the aerodynamic characteristics under different freestream Mach numbers, canopy types, atmospheric components, and parameter to diameter ratios are investigated in details. As a result, it was found that in the atmospheric environment of Titan, the conical ribbon canopy (its diameter ratio is 0.3) steadily descends at transonic speeds, and the projected area of the canopy gradually increases over time. The drag coefficient reaches its maximum at Mach 1.5, but its fluctuation monotonically increases with the increase of Mach number. In addition, at Mach number 0.95, the canopies exhibit extremely severe oscillation when the diameter ratios are 0 and 1.0. By comparison, in the atmospheric environment of Jupiter, when the freestream Mach number is transonic, the change in projected area of the conical ribbon canopy becomes smaller over time. The drag coefficient and its fluctuation will monotonically increase with the increase of Mach number, and the lateral force coefficient and its fluctuation reach their maximum at Mach 1.5. Finally, a comparison was made between the stable descent process of parachutes in the atmospheric environments of Titan, Venus, and Jupiter, and it was found that the conical ribbon canopy in the Jupiter atmospheric environment has the best performance, larger drag coefficient, and better stability.

Key words: Deep space exploration, Transonic/supersonic parachutes, Aerodynamic characteristics, Fluid-structure interaction mechanism, Aerodynamic decelerating technology
